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PRO Word Wheel Book (for teens and adults)

The PRO edition Word Wheel book is a handy reference tool, full of vocabulary and bitesize phrases, for writing academic essays, building high-level vocabulary, writing letters, speeches, articles, applications and answering exam questions with style. Suitable for teenagers and adults, from 13+, GCSE and A-level preparation, through to university and even for professional articulacy in the world of work.

Every book contains 10 wheels:

Openers: How to start sentences with style in creative writing

Formal Essay Phrases: For essays, speeches, discussion and persuasion.

Verbs: Hundreds of synonyms for walked, saw, said, ran, moved, laughed, cried, ate/drank.

Adjectives: Hundreds of synonyms for big, small, fast, slow, pretty, ugly, good, bad.

Emotions and Attitudes: Hundreds of synonyms for happy, sad, angry, scared, naughty, dishonest, calm, selfish, embarrassed, kind.

Academic Essay Phrasing: Longer phrases for structuring paragraphs in various essay subjects..

Science Answer Styles: Recognising different question types and how to answer each one effectively.

Email Phrases: How to sound professional in an email - introductions, signing off, requests, confiding, confrontation, delivering bad news.

Literary Devices and Effects: Understanding techniques in English literature and phrasing analysis.

CV and Job Applications: Hundreds of synonyms for words that may be useful in a professional statement or application.

Whether in exams, interviews or on a form, we are all judged by our ability to communicate. No matter how creative, intelligent or capable a student may be, many struggle when it comes to expressing themselves in speech or on paper. The PRO book is the perfect aid for enhancing eloquence and supporting clear, stylish communication.

LinkyThinks Word Wheel books are 300mm x 300mm, printed on strong, sustainably sourced (FSC approved), matte-laminated paper, using eco-friendly, vegetable-based inks. Built to last and produced in the UK.

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